terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008

God in Palmar Arriba

Several years ago, St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, together with Diamela Pascasio, one of our principal partners here in Santiago, began work in a rural community called Palmar Arriba. They set out to build a Lutheran School and home for children. Today there is a very active school, a church and a soon to be home. There are approximately 120 children. I and Danelle have been doing weekly chapel on wednesday morning with the children. It has been uplifting and encouraging to us to see the response of the children as they lift their voices in praise and interact with us as we teach the Bible lessons. They are like the Word of the Lord and Jesus’ love.

Another thing we have noticed about Dominicans, and especially in Palmar Arriba, is that they all have the gift of hospitality. Now we have service in the church every wednesday in the nithg for the adult peoples the community, about 15 youth people and 20 children come regularly to the church.

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